Sunday, October 3, 2010

Act I, Scene 3

28. At the beginning of I, 3 what do the duke and the council of Venice determine the Turks’ military objective to be? How does this relate to what happens later?

29. What is effective in Othello’s first speech of justification (lines 76 – 94)?

30. Explain how the relationship between Othello and Desdamona began. Who first initiated the idea of love?

31. How do we know Othello’s second speech of justification (lines 127 – 169) was effective?

32. What makes the second speech of justification effective as a piece of language?

33. Why is Desdamona’s response to her father’s question at lines 176 – 178 especially effective?

34. In this scene what does Desdamona tell us attracted her to Othello? What attracted her to him?

35. How does Desdamona argue that she should be allowed to accompany her husband to Cyprus?

36. What assurances does Othello offer the Council that he will take care of business, even if his wife is with him?

37. Explain Iago’s “parable of the garden” (lines 314 – 327).

38. Find all Iago’s uses of the word “love” in this scene. What’s unusual about them?

39. How does Iago manipulate Roderigo in the lines 329 – 370?

40. What is the “real reason” Iago hates Othello?

41. Why is Cassio a particularly handy scapegoat for Iago’s plot?

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