Sunday, October 3, 2010

Act II, Scene 2

50. In II, 2, lines 12 -- 29, what is Iago trying to get Cassio to do? Why?

51. How does Iago's personality change from the way he's behaved in the past? Why the change?

52. What is unattractive about Cassio's behavior as a drunk?

53. How does Iago manipulate the gentlemen of Cyprus to object to Cassio's behavior?

54. Look at II, 2, lines 177 -- 182. Why did Iago use those particular words?

55. What new aspect of Othello's personality do we see in II, 2, lines 201 -- 215?

56. Describe how Iago, while apparently defending his friend Cassio actually encourages Othello to take action against him? (II, 2, lines 218 -- 244)

57. Explain why Cassio reacts as he does at II, 2, lines 260 -- 263?

58. Explain why Iago's advice at II, 2, 264 -- 325 is a perfectly natural response?

59. In Iago's explanation of his revenge plot at II, 2, lines 333-- 359 are there any new motives for his behavior?

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